The project Sendas is a pictorial action to perform on the street, right in the imaginary space where the crosswalk would be located and has not been made despite the pedestrian traffic, or is worn, or have forgotten its meaning. Pictorial action consists of making a walkway composed of artistic and educational text and image. The measures and positioning of the path are the same except the rules describing its contents, text and image, and material as asphalt paint is not used but white latex paint which dries faster and discolor over of cars, pedestrians and exposure to the weather becoming an ephemeral work with the passage of time.
The working process is simple as it is between two people who manipulate the stencils (plastic molds shed where a negative figure that will stick spray) and make the paint is drying fast, which, being 7 stencils that are used to supplement the artistic and educational footpath estimated a time of two hours required for the completion and drying of the whole work.
Sketches of stencils:
To imagine the finished work, here are five molds and two are repeated, which carries the text darling! And that goes blank.
molds are located as follows:
white - darling! - I have - priority - step - darling! - White
molds I have , priority and step have three female figures above, which in the sketches is only one but is used as a reference for others. Another feature that casts no-show is to be held on white-black figure, this will mean that the vertical paths with white text and the figure in black.
The content and purpose of the project are educational and awareness not only about traffic rules, but on respect toward another neighbor and, in this case to the one in a situation of greater vulnerability in transit through the city daily.
In turn, the working process, see and learn a technique from engraving stencils is a fun show and artistic education.
The following photos are of a first action performed in the dot indicating the map:
more stencil, and other things, to serve the community ...
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